Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hello again,

I do apologize for my long absence. However, now I'm back. Here is another short tale that is a work in progress. Please leave me any feedback or constructive comments you may have. I'd love to know what your thoughts are and how this story has had an impact on you.

Many thanks,
And enjoy the tale.



This story begins with a man holding a seemingly precious object. I say seemingly precious because of the way he is postured, as if hoarding it or hiding it from the world, holding it close to his body with that protective and/or defensive look about him.


This Man decides to hide the object and so begins constructing a cubicle room around it. This room is made out of precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. As he uses these building materials he makes specialized tiles with them. These tiles are rectangular and roughly the size of his open hand. They fit and lock nicely together. He imprints various symbols and signs on them as he goes along; signs and symbols with special meanings to him. He believes that as he lays these tiles together he can position the symbols in a way that would allow him to unlock a code to a secret door to the room, in the event he decides to go back to get his valuable object.


Once the room is complete he feels the need to create a wall around it for further protection of its contents. Again he makes tiles, this time made from the hardest rocks, stones, and minerals he can find, beautifully crafted and again imprinted with mysterious symbols. Anyone looking upon it would find his work breathtaking.


The aerial view of this completed wall surrounding the room looked like a larger square surrounding a smaller cube.


Upon finishing this wall the Man still feels vulnerable and decides to build yet another wall. He decides to use the strongest, richest wood for his next collection of tiles, and this time the symbols are carved into the wood and inlaid with gold. He positions each tile and symbol in a very particular sequence, thinking that only he will be able to decode the secret combination to the hidden opening of this wall if he should ever desire to unlock it and then get to the room and valuable treasure inside.


Upon accomplishing this task, he initially feels the content inside is well protected until a fear seizes him. What if someone should steal a way inside? The contents did not feel well enough protected yet, and so he set out to build one reinforcing wall after another until he finally felt satisfied that the inner room was secure. Again each wall was made with the hardest, sturdiest materials he could find and imprinted with codes and symbols that the Man positioned in secret combinations. Always thinking that he could unlock the secret openings to the walls by decoding the secret combinations of symbols he had laid out.


As all this is occurring a Woman lingers in the shadows behind the Man, watching what he is DO-ing. She feels tenderness for this man, and remains in the shadows knowing not to interfere with his on-goings unless he specifically goes seeking her wisdom and advice. All the while this Woman knows how to gain access to what this Man believes is well hidden and protected inside.


The Man eventually seals his secret within many layers of walls and then in the end decides to retrieve it.


As he sets out to decode the secret codes that will unlock each wall he is suddenly haunted and hounded by demons. This flusters the Man and causes him to forget all the combinations that will unlock each wall and allow him to get inside.


In a panic he thinks he will never be able to retrieve his personal secret treasure, that there are too many secrets codes, combinations, blocks, obstacles and challenges blocking his way. With all the dark figures closing in on him this Man is unable to remember how to undo it all and feels he is out of Time.


In that moment of panic the Man turns to the Woman and asks for Help. The Woman bows her head to the Man in acknowledgement, and then places her hands together as if in prayer. With this hand gesture, and with the Man’s intent of seeking the contents at the heart of this fortress, she points her fingertips towards the concentric walls.


In an instant a magnificent parting occurs through all the layers of wall simultaneously and the encroaching haunting energies are zapped. Golden light spills out from all the broken tiles, the luminescence extinguishing the enclosing darkness.


The Man in reverence to the Woman turns to her and sends her a heartfelt thank you. His panic is dissolved with a sense of calmness and he feels centered again.


He turns towards the rift in the walls and can see a direct path illuminated by golden light to the contents within the center. He turns back towards the Woman and notices that she has once again retreated to the shadows and watches him with tenderness and compassion in her heart.


Turning back towards his precious treasure he now recognizes what he failed to recognize at the start. That the treasure he tried to hide from the world was never meant to be hidden and hoarded away, and it did not need protecting. Also, that this treasure was always just meant for him because it was a piece of him, and that no one could take it away from him no matter what. He failed to realize until now how empty he had felt without it. He now knew how much he needed it in order to feel whole again, and that he was meant to use this treasure and share it with the world.


He began to feel a stirring inside his BE-ing and allowed the stirring to guide him through the rubble to his treasure. Upon reaching the center of his creation, which was a deceptive safe, he graciously and gratefully picked up what he had hidden inside, placed it against his heart, and allowed it to become part of his BE-ing again. Upon allowing its integration with himself he was receptive to its energies flowing throughout his whole body and being. He noticed how much better, stronger and more powerful, he felt and he began to wonder why he had wanted to hide this in the first place. He now had a treasure to share with the world.



Endnote: This story came to me as a dream. After I received this dream the name Odessa popped into my mind. This kind of thing happens to me often and the names usually have a meaning associated with them so I Google’d “Odessa”. With the help of my intuitive faculties I determined that the name “Odessa” comes from the Greek word “Odessey” which means long journey or long voyage. I then recognized how the meaning of Odessa was associated to this tale. That’s when I realized that the name “Odessa” was the name, or rather the title, for this story. The Man is on an Odessey, and perhaps the Woman’s name is Odessa.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Stories About A Girl

This Girl had an awesome life. All her dreams, desires, and wishes fulfilled. She knew how to use her “magick” within to help her create her beautiful life.

It was a life filled with love. Love both given and received. A life filled with joyful friendships, sharing, caring, and magick.

She awoke with her heart open every morning, looking forward to all the opportunities she would have that day to create and co-create the experiences that she desired.

She was filled with Divine Love and followed the Divine Guidance coming from within; the Joy and Inspiration.

Feelings were her connection to the world around her.

She wished to share her Divine adventures with others and so she began writing, and what poured forth were what she called her “stories about a girl”.

She loved music. She loved to dance. She loved joy and laughter. People in her presence always felt better. She was gentle and tender, caring and compassionate with everyone.

She was playful and found the Light in all she did. And the Light shone on her from everywhere. She was very much a child at heart and very child-like without being childish.

Not only was she surrounded by loving and caring friends and family, she was also surrounded by loving and caring Angels and Spirits who adored, supported, and watched over her. Their love for her was so strong she could feel it. She could feel their presence even though she couldn’t see them with her physical eyes, and she knew they were there with her always. They were there to guide and support her, to help ensure all her needs were met with love and abundance even before she knew to ask for them.

However, it wasn’t always like this.

It started this way when she was conceived, and was mostly this way when she was in infant. Then “life” set in, along with the influences of all those around her, and she became victim to the world without even realizing what was happening.

It wasn’t for many decades before she “woke up” and reconnected again with all the Divine, loving, and supportive energies that brought her to this world.

For a time in this world she closed up, got disconnected and forgot many things. Sometimes it was because she was influenced by the ignorance of those around her, like her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, preachers and others.

For a while it looked grim, as though she would never awake from the zombie-like state she was in. Feeding off of the thoughts and beliefs of others and her culture.

She became depressed, and knew it. She felt it. She knew something wasn’t right. How could such a beautiful world feel so wrong; so bad.

She asked for a reconnection to the Light and to Know the Truth. That path took many, many years.

And these are the stories about those days. Her days of struggles and challenges, and how she overcame them.

(Stories to follow)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Snippets and a Golden Yellow Dragon

You know, now that I've written a few posts, I'm starting to think I should have called this blog "Snippets-From-A-Girl". It seems my writings are coming out in snippets as opposed to stories. And you know what else? I really like the word "snippets". I think it has a nice ring to it.

This post contains a scene from a dream I had last night. I found it beautiful, intriguing and appealing.

In this dream I recall standing in the middle of a large room staring at a wall made of large blocks of cream colored sandstone. I was looking at the stonework and how well the wall was put together. The texture of the stones and the substance between them, holding them in place, was mesmerizing me.

Next thing I know, starting from the top of the wall, the stones begin to crumble. It appears something from the other side of the wall is nudging its nose through the wall. As this wall comes collapsing down dust rises up, obscuring my view.

As the air clears I realize that within arms reach is the nose and snout of a rather large golden yellow dragon. It's basketball sized nostrils are at eye level with me. I feel I'm looking into a little cavern. Thankfully I don't see anything green and slimy or red and glowing. I feel I could lose myself in the depths of the blackness.

What's interesting is that I can intuitively sense that this is a friendly, loving dragon. He gives off the same vibe an unconditionally loving dog would give, yet he is calm. Very unlike an exuberant, happy-to-see-you, excited dog. I reach my hand out and touch its nose. It is dry and feels somewhat like sandpaper.

I am taken in by the color of its skin and scales. Not yellow or golden, but rather a golden yellow. Normally the color yellow doesn't do anything for me. However this golden yellow is warming me from the inside out and I can feel my heart expanding. Can a color really have this effect on me? Is it the color of the dragon's loving presence?

As I lay my hand on its nose I look past its massive form and notice the most luscious, green, flower-filled field in the distance. I'm feeling pulled towards it. I slowly walk around the dragon, taking in its baseball cap sized scales, the spines on its back, and the length of its tail. He really looks magestic. I wonder what it would be like to sit on it's back and ride.

Then I notice the soft, luxurious feeling of green grass underneath my naked feet. I take a deep breath and experience the scents of wild roses, poppies, daffodils, lilies-of-the-valley, and carnations. What an interesting combination of smells. I get the urge to turn around, to see where I have come from, and when I do it all vanishes. Back into the ethers of dreamland. How I long to go back and experience all the smells, textures, and sights. How I wish to know more about this dragon. I sense a deep comaderie.

I woke up with a wonderful sense of peace and calm.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


This post is dedicated to my best friend who meant to text me "BIG HUGS" and accidentally wrote (with the help of auto-correct) BUG HUGS. Now, she knows how large populations of bugs make me squirm. So she texted me the following visual to make me feel better, and I have to say it worked. Thanks April :D This visual was so beautiful that I decided to share it.


Picture yourself standing in a beautiful field on the edge of a forest. You are surrounded by fireflies. It is a clear night with a silver sliver of a moon. In this night, the most wonderful little lights flicker everywhere around you in a most magical way, as if orchestrated to music. And best of all, the glowy little creatures stay far enough away from you respecting your space while creating this most amazing spectacle just for you!!


Ok, now even though I'm not a huge fan of bugs, this visual made me want to experience just what it describes.

Hope you enjoyed that.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sensuous Apples (final part)

...bite into the crispy apple. I savor the crunch as well as the juicy sweetness. Have you ever noticed how loud the crunch of an apple can be when it's crispy and cold. Mmmmmm.

I wonder how this would taste with one of my favorite confectionery items. CARAMEL!! Mmmmm. I can imagine the gooey stickiness and sugariness of the caramel. Perhaps it's a cavity just waiting to happen, but seriously?! How many people can pass up taking a bite of a caramel apple? Oh! Perhaps I could take apple slices and dip them into warmed caramel. The combo of the apple crunch with the silky smooth stickiness of the caramel is very appealing. Now add a touch of almond butter to that and it would complete the ultimate sticky snack!

Speaking about almond butter, there's a great recipe for a children's snack. It entails spreading almond butter on a slice of apple and then placing 5 raisins into the almond butter. The snack is suppose to resemble ants in a boat. Cute eh?

I luuuuuuuuuuuuuv apples. I love cinnamon sprinkled on apples. I love apple sauce. I love them with cheddar and I love them with pecans. Mmmmmm.

What is your favorite way to enjoy apples? What variety do you like best?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sensuous Apples (part 3)

...and I inhale. Mmmm. This apple smells sweet, with a hint of autumn leaves...that musky, fresh, outdoor scent. This brings back childhood memories of apple picking with my family.

I recall the cooler days of autumn. The sweet fragrance of the apples hanging from the trees mixed with the scent of a wood burning fire off in the distance, waiting for our return. I remember holding mugs of hot cider inhaling it's comforting warm smell. Then the thought of grandma's fresh baked apple pies floods my memory and I find myself inhaling again hoping to fill my nostrils with the smell of spicy cinnamon and warm apple pie.

Suddenly the smell of something sour returns me back to the present moment. I look around. Where could that odor have come from? Aw! Apple cider vinegar! A gentleman walked by with a pitcher of the vinegar that smells like apples gone rancid. Ugh.

I decide to breath in the perfume of the apple I am holding; to replace that apple cider vinegar smell with the sweetness of the fruit in my hand. Mmmmm. Once again my mouth waters and I desire to taste its juices. I open my mouth and... be continued...

Any feedback on how I am doing so far? Any tips? Constructive words are welcome :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sensuous Apples (part 2)

After browsing around, I decide to pick up a green, firm apple. I feel its solidness in the palm of my hand as I roll it around. As I squeeze it with my fingers I realize the skin and flesh do not give. This raw apple may have been picked a touch too soon. I return it gently to its place on the pyramid of apples.

Next I pick up a yellow variety. This one feels lighter, and airy, in comparison to the green apple. I toss this one lightly into the air and catch it with my right hand. It feels cool on my skin. It must have been refridgerated.

With my left hand I reach out and grasp a pinkish red apple. This one is warmer than the yellow one. Must have been sitting at room temperature for a while. As I squeeze its skin and flesh I notice the give under my fingertips. It gives with a bit of spring to my touch. This apple feels ripe. My mouth starts to water.

I return the yellow apple to its friends in the basket, and seize the next object of my desire. A deep reddish colored specimen. Its skin feels smooth on my skin, and its weight is more dense in my palm. This apple too is cool. I now notice the rumbling sensation in my belly.

I raise this apple to my lips and ...

... to be continued.